Local Portage Teacher Gets Recognized for Selfless Works


Steve-Livingston-2Fegely Middle School is home to many special educators, and one of them was recognized by the Greater Portage Chamber of Commerce for his hard work and giving nature.

Steve Livingston is an 8th grade math teacher and head of the math department at Fegely Middle School, and he is also the recipient of the Portage Chamber of Commerce Outstanding Educator of the Year Award.

"I've been in the corporation a lot of years and I love what I do in the classroom," Livingston said. "Mr. Misecko nominated me and had a lot of nice things to say."

Steve-Livingston-1Fegely Principal Phil Misecko did indeed have many good things about Livingston.

"He is one of the hardest working, passionate, and dedicated educators that I've ever been around," Misecko said. "He spends the majority of his time looking for the best lesson, the best way to reach certain kids, how to present certain topics so that kids will understand it. He's truly a life-long learner and he's dedicated to improving his craft and to becoming a better educator."

How does Livingston feel about being recognized for his work?

"It's a humbling experience, that's for sure," Livingston said. "And none of the things that I do could happen if it wasn't for the rest of my department."

Livingston named fellow educators Jane Downes, Jeff Smenyak, Meghan Birger, Kristin, Szymczak, Lisa Fralinger, Kathy Hindsley, and Sandy Samardzija as the people who give of their time and talents along with him to make the learning experiences better at Fegely Middle School.

Congratulations, Steve Livingston on your much deserved recognition!