Portage Township Schools Update, February 23, 2018

Portage Township Schools Update, February 23, 2018

Myers Elementary
The 3rd graders went on a fun adventure in music class. They used virtual reality goggles to visit an orchestra hall in Berlin, Germany. They were on stage, in practice rooms, and behind the scenes.


PHS Social Studies
Ms. Munden's PHS junior and senior social studies students wrote letters and made homemade cards to the students at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL. who were impacted by the recent school shooting.


Aylesworth Elementary
Pretzel Log Cabins from Mrs. Heldt's first graders at Aylesworth Elementary!


Cadets from Portage MCJROTC attend the Marmion Academy Drill Meet in Aurora, Illinois on 17 February 2018.


Kyle Elementary
Our 5th grade Math Bowl competed on February 22. They did not place but we are always proud of our students!


Saylor Elementary
4th grade students in Mrs. Roberson’s class did a Mystery Science project Thursday. This lesson is an exploration on energy conservation and engineering. Thursday’s activity focused on moving a marble from the top of a track, to the bottom of it, without making it into the cup at the end. Students problem solved and recorded their results until they were successful.


PHS 8th Grade Night
French teacher Andrea Flynn displays the medal that students can receive for being inducted into the World Language Honor Society at the 8th grade parent night. World Language teachers Andrea Flynn and Maria Gross stand with students and club members of world languages at the 8th grade parent night prepared to answer questions that incoming freshmen may have about taking a high school language.