Portage Township Schools Update, May 6, 2016


Kyle Elementary
Mrs. Mathisen's 3rd grade class was awarded with a special award. They got to make tents for their SSR reading time due to their positive attitudes. Reading was a fun and rewarding time.


Central Elementary
Mrs. Barnum's 1st grade class at Central Elementary in Portage made beautiful cards to give their Mom's for Mother's Day on Sunday!


Myers Elementary
Third grade students at Myers Elementary School, Maceo Jackson and Logan Labno, listen intently as Migdalia Flores, a Respiratory Therapist at Community Healthcare Systems explains the dangers and risks of smoking. Following the presentation, all third grade students at Myers took the pledge to stay smoke free.


PHS Project Based Learning
Students (Left to right) Peyton Goetschel, David Bowen, Lindsay Thomas, Shelby Leucuta, Kat Edwards and Liberty Radek are shown working on a Project Based Learning assignment involving the Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon administrations.


PHS Government Class
Students in Mrs. Wysocki's PHS government classes received responses from the candidates they wrote to in our "Letter to a Politician" project! So far, responses have come from Trump and the First Lady Michelle Obama. They both sent materials to hand out to the students. We can't wait to see who writes back next!


PHS Mock Election
PHS students participated in a school wide mock election on election day. The mock election was organized by Mrs. Wysocki's AP government classes and won by Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump.